Sumber: Erabaru.net |
For you visitors to Lombok Island, something that will probably be often you do on the way if in the way the existing beautiful destinations in Lombok was asking directions to residents on the street. I created the article Best way to ask someone give direction for us in Lombok this is because existing maps on android we can get confusing sometimes, maybe I am a less clever or my hp which is less sophisticated. Whatever the reason but it does occur that thenumber of people asking for directions in Lombok, get the information in the wrong direction. This incident is common because the questioner is not asking for directions in a way that people of lombok think is good, especially among youth.
Somehow the culture as it appears I also haven't researched enough in, I analyze this culture of daily intercourse, and luckily for you that is how this can be used in different regions are there in Lombok. Okay, here it is how rarely known and visitor made when asking for directions in Lombok:
1. Turn Off Your Vehicle's Engine
How to apply if you use a motor vehicle or automobile. In this way may be quite strange according to our, but this way is the way that is considered polite among the youth.
2. Open Your Helmet
How to apply if you are using a motor vehicle. The reason is the same, so polite and don't look suspicious to them that we are bad people or not.
3. Come Down From Your Vehicle
If you're a questioner, will be better if you get off of your vehicle, you can ask your guide or direct you to do so.
4. Don't forget a familiar Greeting
The people of Lombok also happy if you say good morning, good afternoon, or if you are a muslim, then it will be very good if you say greeting, considering the people of lombok has a majority Muslim population.
5. Don't Forget To Thank
Everyone will feel happy and sincere giving assistance to people who want to thank, so did the people of Lombok.
Wherever we are, whatever we are visiting, keep a good ethics will remain a necessity,and no doubt will be beneficial also for us. Hopefully this bit of information is useful to us. Happy travelling buddy.
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